Older versionVersion 2.1SolutionsHow to remove the security checkbox "I am a human"

How to remove the security checkbox "I am a human"

This PhenixID Solution Document (PSD) is written for PhenixID Server.

This article describes how to remove the security checkbox "I am a human" (not recommended).

The reader should have some basic knowledge about PhenixID Server.


Version 2.0 of PhenixID Server introduces the security checkbox, "I am a human".

PhenixID strongly recommends to keep this feature as is.

If the need is to have this feature disabled, follow the steps below.


We will make changes to the file config/phenix-store.json, so please make sure that you have a recent copy/backup of this file.

The parameter and value used to disable the checkbox is:

"enableHoneypot" : "false"

This needs to be set on the respective authenticators used, for instance /config and /otpenrollment (see example below).

To make the change, please login to PhenixID Configuration Manager.

Click on the Tab “Advanced”.

Click on the pencil beside “Authentication - HTTP” and add the parameter to the section "configuration".

When done press "Stage changes" and then "Commit changes".

This change will not require a restart.

Example for /config:

    "alias" : "config",
    "name" : "DefaultInternalAuthenticator",
    "configuration" : {
      "successURL" : "/config/",
      "enableHoneypot" : "false",
      "translationKey" : "login.messages.information.body.cm",
      "headingtranslationKey" : "login.messages.information.header.cm"
    "id" : "configdefault"
  } ],