Older versionVersion 1.5.0InstallationUpgrade from previous version

Upgrade from previous version

Following the steps below to upgrade from version1.4 is basically a new installation.

1. Stop the service

If you have multiple PhenixID Servers running in a cluster, stop the service on all nodes.

In Linux go to <PhenixIDinstallationdirectory>/bin/stop-PhenixID.sh.

On Windows stop the service through the Services MMC.

2. Backup of current installation

Start by copying current installation to backup folder.

Later in the upgrade we will copy new files into the file structure, so this step is crucial if we need to go back to the previous installation.

And we will also use the earlier configuration file, phenix-store.json in our new installation. As well as phenix-tokens.json if software or hardware tokens has been enrolled. Form boot.json we will need the encryptionkey.

Depending on the configuration there might be manually added files in /resources. If so, these needs to be copied to the new installation.

3. Uninstall current version

Uninstall current version according to  your operaring systems instructions.

On Linux, use the file <PhenixIDinstallationdirectory>uninstall

On Windows use Add/Remove Programs

4. Install new version

Install the new version using the latest installer package. Make sure to use the same ports and encryption key used in the previous installation.

5. Copy files from earlier installation into new installation

Now we need to copy files and configuration from earlier installation to the new one.

So depending on your environment please follow the instructions below:

  • Copy <PhenixIDinstallationdirectory>/config/phenix-store.json from earlier version into the new installations folder /config. This file contains most of the PhenixID Server settings and should be copied.
  • Copy the encryptionkey from the old boot.json and replace the current one.
  • If tokens has been enrolled, the file <PhenixIDinstallationdirectory>/config/phenix-tokens.json should also be copied to the new installations folder /config.
  • When proxy settings has been added to the startup files, these needs to be transferred to the new installation files, by following the document: http://document.phenixid.net/m/52601/l/482268-manage-proxy-settings
  • If a custom certificate has been added, copy the p12 to the new installation <PhenixIDinstallationdirectory>/resources, and then add the configuration needed in <PhenixIDinstallationdirectory>/config/boot.json according to the document: http://document.phenixid.net/m/52601/l/482271-use-custom-ssl-certificate-for-https

Besides these files, any files manually added to /resources should be copied from earlier installation to the new one and also any manually added options to the startup files.

6. Change version on the modules

In the file <PhenixIDinstallationdirectory>/config/phenix-store.json located the section, "NODES". In this section we see "modules". All the modules versions should be renamed from <oldversion> to <newversion>. Like this: com.phenixidentity~phenix-pipes~1.4.0



7.  Update data types in configuration

In the file <PhenixIDinstallationdirectory>/config/phenix-store.json locate all non string data. Convert to Strings. Typically: true -> "true"

9. Start the service

After the above steps, please start the service again. The modules in /mods should now be the same version as the one installed and configured in phenix-store.json.