Older versionSigning workflow 1.12Developer integration guidesUsing the Automation API to create a Signing workflow order

Using the Automation API to create a Signing workflow order

This article describes how to use the Automation API to create a Signing workflow order.

Use case

The purpose of this function is to create a signing workflow order, using a pure HTTP call to the Automation API.

This is useful when the signing order initiator works with a document in an external application and would like to start a signing order on the current document.

API usage

  1. Use the CreateOrder API call to create a new signing order. This call returns an order ID.
  2. Use the GetOrderStatus API call , using the order ID, to poll for order status.
  3. The end user must now authenticate to the Signing Workflow application. (The recommended solution is to use the same Identity Provider to login to the application AND Signing workflow - this will make Single-Sign On feasible)
  4. The Signing Workflow order is presented with the PDF attached. The end user now continues with selecting signer(s) of the document etc.
  5. When the GetOrderStatus call returns ACCEPTED, use the DownloadOrderDocument API call to download the signed document.