How customize PhenixID OneTouch assignments
Please follow this guide to customize the look of PhenixID OneTouch assignments. Assignments can be customized for Radius and/or HTTP authentication.
Customize PhenixID OneTouch assignment for Radius authentication
- In configuration manager select Advanced tab.
- Locate Authenticators - Radius.
- Edit by clicking the pen.
- Locate the authenticator (name=OneTouchAuthenticator. If you have multiple authenticators, make sure to pick the right one). Add/replace the value of clientTemplate to myOneTouchTemplate. Example:
"name" : "OneTouchAuthenticator",
"config" : {
"uid_pwd_pipe" : "8d40952c-250b-4cd0-9413-36d55a438889",
"clientIP" : "",
"secret" : "{enc}xxxxx",
"radius_config" : "dca7d870-9c62-45f8-8964-f8644d72345a",
"remove_ad_domain" : "false",
"poll_interval" : "3000",
"max_polls" : "10",
"notify" : "true",
"user_retry_timeout" : "20",
"clientTemplate" : "myOneTouchTemplate",
"servicename" : "PhenixID"
"created" : "2017-02-07T07:20:03.642Z",
"id" : "4bdb42f6-5525-4cb4-a578-54bf20f176a1"
5. Click Stage changes and commit changes
6. Logon to the server operating system
7. Locate the folder <phenixid_server_root>//mods/com.phenixidentity~phenix-radius~<version>/templates/
8. Copy the file onetouch_template_json.template
9. Rename the copy to myOneTouchTemplate.template
10. Open myOneTouchTemplate.template in a text editor. Apply your changes and save.
11. Restart PhenixID Server
12. Test the authentication.
Customize PhenixID OneTouch assignment for HTTP authentication (PhenixID web apps authentication)
- In configuration manager select Advanced tab.
- Locate Authenticators - HTTP.
- Edit by clicking the pen.
- Locate the authenticator (name=AssignmentAuthenticator. If you have multiple authenticators, make sure to pick the right one). Add/replace the value of assignment_template_name to myOneTouchTemplate.json. Example:
"alias": "otinternal",
"name": "AssignmentAuthenticator",
"displayName": "selector.display.onetouch",
"configuration": {
"successURL": "/myapps/",
"allowLanguageChange": "false",
"translationKey": "login.messages.information.body.myapps",
"headingtranslationKey": "login.messages.information.header.myapps",
"assignment_template_name": "myOneTouchTemplate.json"
"id": "otinternal"
5. Click Stage changes and commit changes
6. Logon to the server operating system
7. Locate the folder <phenixid_server_root>//mods/com.phenixidentity~auth-http~<version>/templates/
8. Copy the file assignment_auth_template.json
9. Rename the copy to myOneTouchTemplate.json
10. Open myOneTouchTemplate.json in a text editor. Apply your changes and save.
11. Restart PhenixID Server
12. Test the authentication.
Customize PhenixID OneTouch assignment for HTTP authentication (Federation)
- In configuration manager select Advanced tab.
- Locate Authenticators - HTTP.
- Edit by clicking the pen.
- Locate the authenticator (name=SAMLUidOneTouch or name=SAMLUidPasswordOneTouch. If you have multiple authenticators, make sure to pick the right one). Add/replace the value of clientTemplate to myOneTouchTemplateSAML. Example:
"id" : "b95ff0df-e3fa-4484-bf9a-78c0795747fd",
"alias" : "testOT",
"name" : "SAMLUidPasswordOneTouch",
"displayName" : "Test",
"configuration" : {
"pipeID" : "7adc9f9b-bc9e-4749-ba41-f66fae2c2ae9",
"idpID" : "c2317407-1342-4b14-9638-d9211dd38798",
"clientTemplate" : "myOneTouchTemplateSAML"
"created" : "2017-03-16T13:45:45.246Z"
5. Click Stage changes and commit changes
6. Logon to the server operating system
7. Locate the folder <phenixid_server_root>//mods/com.phenixidentity~auth-http~<version>/templates/
8. Copy the file onetouchhtml.template
9. Rename the copy to myOneTouchTemplateSAML.json
10. Open myOneTouchTemplateSAML.template in a text editor. Apply your changes and save.
11. Restart PhenixID Server
12. Test the authentication.