This document describes how to configure SessionToCookie.
The purpose of this cookie is to support integration scenarios where the target application picks up a cookie value and sends that to PhenixID verification endpoint (using PhenixID HTTP Authentication API).
Please note that this type of integration is not recommended nowadays (as there are more standard ways, like SAML or OpenIDConnect, to be used which doesn't rely on a shared-domain infrastructure).
The authenticator will pickup the authenticated session and set the session_id value in a cookie.
- PhenixID version 2.8 or above installed
- PhenixID server and application must share the same domain (for example and
- Internal http authenticator set up (with the authentication method(s) that suits your needs)
The SessionToCookie authenticator is shipped with the platform but must be activated in the backend configuration.
- Shutdown the PhenixID service
- Open <phenixid_root_folder>/config/boot.json in a text editor
- Locate the auth-http object
- Add this to config

5. Save the file
6. Start the PhenixID service
Configuration Properties
Example configuration
Login to PhenixID configuration portal, go to advanced and click on the pencil next to "Authentication - HTTP".
Add the authenticator configuration:
"alias" : "cookieAuth",
"name" : "SessionToCookie",
"configuration" : {
"path" : "/",
"name" : "authToken",
"domain" : "",
"successURL" : "",
"useSecure" : "true",
"errorLocation" : "",
"includeQueryString" : "true"
"id" : "a7311245-b205-4390-8b5d-1da96fcbf2a1"
Change the different parameters according to the requirements in the environment.
When done click Stage changes and Commit changes.
Complete configuration example
This example shows a full configuration where a username-password authenticator precedes the SessionToCookie authenticator.
"name" : "PostUidAndPassword",
"id" : "unpw",
"alias" : "unpw",
"displayName" : "Username Password",
"configuration" : {
"errorURL" : "/error/myerrorpage.html",
"loginTemplate" : "login.template",
"successURL" : "/secure/authenticate/cookieAuth",
"pipeID" : "pipeDummy",
"includeQueryString" : "true"
"alias" : "cookieAuth",
"name" : "SessionToCookie",
"configuration" : {
"path" : "/",
"name" : "authToken",
"domain" : "",
"successURL" : "",
"useSecure" : "true",
"errorLocation" : "",
"includeQueryString" : "true"
"id" : "a7311245-b205-4390-8b5d-1da96fcbf2a1"
Complete end user flow example
1. User browse to and selects login
2. Browser is redirected to
3. End user enters username and password
4. On successful authentication, browser is redirected to
5. Cookie will be set (no end user interaction needed)
6. User is redirected to