Older versionVersion 2.1SolutionsChange session timeout for PhenixID Server

Change session timeout for PhenixID Server

If a user has an active session or is logged in to PhenixID Configuration Admin tool or Self Enrollment Portal for more than 10 minutes without doing anything in the tool the user be logged out. In PhenixID server there is a session timeout value.

System requirements

PhenixID Server installed.


This document describes how to change the default session timeout value in both Windows and Linux environments.

Before editing please make sure to have a copy of the files:

*.vmoptions (Windows)

start-PhenixID.sh (Linux)


Dependent on how you start PhenixID server there might be two different files to update where the file for the service might be the most important. There is one startup file for the Windows service and there is one startup file if you start PhenixID server manually.

Open [PhenixID Installation folder]\bin\phenixidservice.vmoptions to edit the file used when PhenixID server is started as a service.

  • Open [PhenixID Installation folder]\bin\phenixserver.vmoptions to edit the file used when PhenixID server NOT is started as a service.

Go to the end of the file and add following setting:

# The value below is in minutes. Default if parameter below is not present is 30 minutes.


Save file and restart PhenixID Server.


The file to modify in Linux environments is start-PhenixID.sh

  • Edit [PhenixID Installation folder]\bin\start-PhenixID.sh
  • Go to the #Application section of the file.
  • Append the #Application section:
# The value below is in minutes. Default if parameter below is not present is 30 minutes.
JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} -Dcom.phenixidentity.globals.sessionTTL=30"

Save file and restart PhenixID Server.