Configure Selfservice for SQL
This solution document describes how to replace the LDAP connection with a SQL connection for the self service web application.
This instruction should only be used by a certified PhenixID Server administrator.
Please note that editing user data from the GUI will not be supported.
Please note you will not be able to edit the self service scenario i web GUI once done with this instruction!
A SQL database with columns for username, password, firstname, lastname, mail and mobile.
Description of SQL DB used in this example:
Column used for | Column name |
Username | uniqueID |
Password | password |
Given name | firstName |
Surname | lastName |
Mobile | mobile |
Configure database connection
Configure a JDBC datasource by following the scenario for JDBC.
Please note the ID of the datasource as this will be used later in the configuration.
Configure Selfservice webapplication for JDBC
Configure the self service application according to your needs using the scenario. Use the column names (case sensitive) from your column in order to prepare for using the JDBC DB.
SearchBase = Dummy
User identifier attribute = uniqueID (SQL userid)
First Name = firstName (SQL first name)
Last Name = lastName (SQL last name)
Email = email (SQL email)
Mobile = mobile (SQL mobile)
Locate roles required for Self service
Expand the Modules entity by using the Advanced tab.
Locate the module for selfservice
Note the value for requires_role.

Modify pipe used for Authentication
Modify the pipe called "Self service user authentication" according to the example below.
Please make sure to modify connection_ref and statement for PreparedStatementExecutorValve as well as value for PropertyAddValve to suite your environment.
"name": "Self service user authentication",
"alias": "selfserviceAuth",
"description": "Pipe to find and authenticate users for selfservice module",
"enabled": "true",
"guide_id": "guides.selfservice",
"guide_ref": "5334bee1-a48c-413b-b250-496739248c74",
"created": "2017-04-22T07:46:26.736Z",
"id": "09fc56f6-eba2-4c53-90dc-c18c138d4c48",
"valves": [
"name": "PreparedStatementExecutorValve",
"config": {
"connection_ref": "cd915f34-0976-471f-a52d-70351a45b5a4",
"statement": "select uniqueID from PERSON where uniqueID = {{request.username}} and password = {{request.password}}"
"name": "FlowFailValve",
"config": {
"skip_if_expr": "flow.isSingle()"
"name": "PropertyAddValve",
"enabled": "true",
"config": {
"name": "roles",
"value": "auth:804d9242-1cc2-4976-bd2d-f88ed1e53926",
"enable_multi_value": "true"
Modify pipe used for Loading data
Modify the pipe called "Self service user load" according to the example below.
Please make sure to modify connection_ref and statement for StatementExecutorValve to suite your environment.
"name": "Self service user load",
"alias": "selfserviceLoad",
"description": "Pipe loading/finding entity by uid for selfservice module",
"enabled": "true",
"guide_id": "guides.selfservice",
"guide_ref": "5334bee1-a48c-413b-b250-496739248c74",
"created": "2017-04-22T07:46:26.783Z",
"id": "72d2c6fb-242c-49ec-9ce3-a6199d09e459",
"valves": [
"name": "StatementExecutorValve",
"config": {
"connection_ref": "cd915f34-0976-471f-a52d-70351a45b5a4",
"statement": "select uniqueID,{{request.attributes_load}} from PERSON where uniqueID = '{{request.username}}'"
"modified": "2017-04-22T07:46:28.943Z"