One Touch
The One Touch guide configures the PhenixID server backend components enabling the use of the One Touch client. When configured, the One Touch extensions in MFA Admin and Self Service will be enabled.
Start guide
Start the guide by clicking the '+' sign on the One Touch menu item.

Guide steps
You navigate the guide using the previous and next buttons at the bottom of the page. You can also choose to cancel the guide at any time (information entered will be lost).

Issuer is a logical name used for naming profiles the One Touch application.

External URL
External URL is a prefix used for building callback URLs for use by the One Touch client to enroll and to fetch assignments. Choose with care since this value can not be changed for activated clients.
For more information, see Server External URL.

Push notifications
Enable support for sending push notifications to mobile devices. Used for notifying users of pending assignments.
For more information, see Push notifications

Guide is completed, click Create create the One Touch configuration. Server will immediately activate the One Touch backend components.

Guide edit
Edit the guide by clicking on Configuration below the One Touch menu item

When editing a guide configuration you click save to save your changes. Save applies to all tabs. Server will immediately reload to reflect your changes.
If you click delete the configuration will be deleted. Please note that other configurations using One Touch will break if you delete your configuration.

General settings. Please note that Issuer and External URL settings will not affect already enrolled/activated clients.
For more information about External URL, see Server External URL.

Push messaging
Enables push messaging. Push messaging makes it possible for applications to send notifications to mobile devices to notify users of pending assignments.
For more information, see Push notifications

Enable component specific HTTP listener. If using SSL/TLS the server certificate must be trusted by the One Touch client.