Older versionVersion 2.5Authenticators - HTTPPhenixID web apps authentication – Internal Authenticator

PhenixID web apps authentication – Internal Authenticator

This authenticator is used to authenticate users against the PhenixID internal user store (USERS entity in store). This authenticator type is by default used for authentication to Configuration Manager.

Modules Required

  • auth-http


Configuration Properties:

Name Description Default value Mandatory
loginTemplate Template to use for user interface. login.template No
successURL The URL to redirect the browser to after successful authentication Yes
includeQueryString Enable to append query string (passed to authenticator) to successURL. false No
userNameParamName Name of the username request attribute. username No
passworParamterName Name of the password request attribute. password No
allowLanguageChange Enable / disable language change. Set true to allow language change. No
translationKey Set key to use for fetching login page body text. login.messages.information.body No
headingtranslationKey Set key to use for fetching login page header text. login.messages.information.header No
enableHoneypot Set true/false to enable/disable "I am a human" checkbox in login template. true No
errorURL The URL to redirect the browser to if an error occurs. No

Example configuration

The configuration must be added in the Advanced section of Configuration Manager.

HTTP Authenticators

"alias" : "internalauth",
"name" : "DefaultInternalAuthenticator",
"configuration" : {
"successURL" : "/config/"
"id" : "internalauth"