Customize texts


All changes in texts / translations will require a restart of the service.

Customize texts

HTTP Authentications

All language files are located in: mods/com.phenixidentity-auth-http~<version>/web/res/lang

Open the strings.xml located in the XX folder within lang with a text editor and locate the tag to be modified. Change the text.


All language files are located in: mods/com.phenixidentity-radius~<version>/lang

Open the strings.xml located in the XX folder within lang with a text editor and locate the tag to be modified. Change the text.


All language files are located in: mods/com.phenixidentity-pipes~<version>/lang

Open the strings.xml located in the XX folder within lang with a text editor and locate the tag to be modified. Change the text.

PRISM (Selfservice / MFA Admin / MyApps)

Language files are located in: mods/com.phenixidentity-prism~<version>/web/locales

Language files are located in: mods/com.phenixidentity-prism-selfservice~<version>/web/locales

Language files are located in: mods/com.phenixidentity-prism-myapps~<version>/web/locales

Language files are located in: mods/com.phenixidentity-prism-otpenrollment~<version>/web/locales

Open the translation.json located in the XX folder within locales with a text editor and locate the tag to be modified. Change the text.

Add additional language

Locate the language folder for the module as described above.

Copy the EN folder located in lang or locales to XX.

Open the translation file in the XX folder and make all necessary translations.

Open mods/com.phenixidentity~phenix-prism~<VERSION>/web/js/translations.js with a text editor.

Locate this segment and add language accordingly:

Do the same in mods/com.phenixidentity~phenix-prism~<VERSION>/web/js/scripts.js

PRISM.availableLanguages = [{
                "en": {
                    json: 'locales/en/translations.json',
                    name: "English",
                    value: "en"
                "sv": {
                    json: 'locales/sv/translations.json',
                    name: "Svenska",
                    value: "sv"
                "de": {
                    json: 'locales/de/translations.json',
                    name: "Deutsch",
                    value: "de"
                "fr": {
                    json: 'locales/fr/translations.json',
                    name: "Français",
                    value: "fr"
Click to copy


  • Make sure to have a backup before starting
  • Follow the product upgrade instruction
  • Apply the customizations.