Older version2.7 AuthenticatorsSAMLPostUidPasswordAndOTPSAML


Used when authentication is done through uid, pwd and OTP. Either using sending a text to a mobile phone OR using a token generator.


Name Description Default value Mandatory
idpID The iternal identifier of the idp used N/A Yes
userValidationPipeID Id of the pipe used to validate UID and password N/A Yes
otpValidationPipeID Id of the pipe used to validate the OTP. This pipe will aslo issue the saml assertion. N/A Yes
samlAuthMethod What value is set in the AuthnContextClassRef urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:MobileTwoFactorContract No
loginTemplate UI template used for rendering enduser UI when entering uid and passwor login No
otp UI template used for rendering enduser UI when entering otp otp No
userNameParamName Parameter where username resides username Yes
passworParamterName Parameter where password resides password Yes
otpParamterName Parameter where otp resides otp Yes

Example Configuration

    "alias": "uidpwdotpsaml",
    "name": "PostUidPasswordAndOTPSAML",
    "configuration": {
        "idpID": "idp",
