Generates a JSON Web Token, JWT. Typically used in OpenID Connect scenarios.
Example Configuration
{ "name": "GenerateJWTTokenVavle", "enabled": "true", "config": {
"subjectattribute" : "{{session.user_id}}", "keystore" : "d2c3094d-f538-4abc-9211-cd26c46606d3",
"expire_seconds" : "600","tokenattributes":[
}] } }
General information
Token TTL is 90 seconds by default.
Attributes always added to the payload are:
- sub - the user identifier
- iat - Issued at
- nbf - Not before
- exp - Expiration
- jti - Token identifier
Sign algo is RS256.
Dates are formatted according to:
Value representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC until the specified UTC date/time, ignoring leap seconds.