Installing on Windows
This document gives an overview of how to install Signing Workflow on Windows.
This document is written for system administrators.
- Internet access from the server (during the installation phase)
- Downloaded the Signing Workflow application (signing-workflow-phenixid-<version> from
A single instance of Signing Workflow will require a minimum of 2 CPU, 4 GB of RAM and 25 GB of drive space. Setups may differ based on expected load, number of users, number of signatures etc. Please contact PhenixID support for guidance.
Note that depending on the admin rights of the user logged in during installation "Run as administrator" may be required. If possible this should always be done.
- Download Java JRE msi package from
(Change architecture to suit your environment if needed) - Execute .msi package
- Follow the guide, use default settings or change the installation folder to suite your needs.
Signing Workflow
- Unzip signing-workflow-phenixid-<version> to any folder that suite your needs, for example "C:/PhenixID/"
- Rename the folder "digo" to "SigningWorkflow"
- Make sure the folder structure looks like this after installation.
Install Windows Service
- Create a folder, "service", in the SigningWorkflow folder
- Download Apache Commons Daemon 1.2.4 from
- Unzip the downloaded file into the service folder to create a structure like "...SigningWorkflow/service/commons-daemon-1.2.4-bin-windows/
4. Open in a text editor
5. Change the JAVA_HOME parameter to point to your Java installation.
$JAVA_HOME = "C:\Program Files\Zulu\zulu-11"

6. Save the file
7. Run Powershell as an administrator
8. Change directory to SigningWorkflow
9. Run
10. The Windows service should now have been installed.

Post Installation
Please continue with the post-installation tasks that are described in a separate document which can be found here.